Friday, April 22, 2011

He was my Daddy First


Before this world’s foundation
Before He spoke Creation
Before He breathed in Adam
Before His hands formed Eve

Before there was a moment
Before Time came to be
Before He breathed the breath of Life
I think He thought of me

He planned for my arrival
At such a time as this
He formed me in perfection
And gave me special gifts

He watched me and He waited
Guided, but never forced
Until I gave my life to Him
And let Him set my course

Each morning there is Mercy
And Grace at close of day
He is strength and healing
The Truth, the Life, the Way

I could name a million things
 That He has always been
Holy, God almighty
Faithfulness and Friend

But long before I knew His voice
Or what His love is worth
Before I even knew His Name
He was my Daddy first

For Michael Chandler
By Anna M Teale

Letting Go

I don’t think you realize
how you look through my eyes
I don’t think you really understand.

Despite my present heartache
my love of you is no mistake
you’ve no idea how much you’ve healed my soul

And though I’ve known the ending
since there was a beginning
I don’t regret the road I had to take

I don’t regret the laughter
the tear drops or disaster
the waves of them that carried me away

It would be easier to hate you
and in my mind mistake you
for a man who never cared at all

But I’m bold enough to realize
that if I look through His eyes
I’ll see a man who cares the best he can

I’m not saying that you’re perfect
but I hope you know you’re worth it
and I wouldn’t trade a day I’ve known your face

You are a treasure meant to keep
and that is why I weep
because I have to give you back and let you go

I wish you joy and sunlight
I wish you Hope and new Life
and all the love the heart of man can hold.


Arctic Seas

Arctic Seas

It feels like Arctic seas in here
with out you near
without the warmth
without the cheer
it seems your eyes can throw at me
like sunshine rays
 like summer heat on winter days
where are your flaming burning eyes
where is your sunshine smile
Oh can’t you hear my frozen pleas
without your love
 I’m Arctic seas


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fight the Darkness

"Fight the darkness 
with all that is in you, 
until the Son comes out 
and His Will relieves you.
Fight the night 
with all that you have,
fight the sorrow 
with love and laugh.
Don't let pain win
or despair consume you,
it can not kill 
but only wound you.
Hold fast to Hope 
and good and rightness.
Keep a grip on your sword
and fight the darkness."

Monday, April 18, 2011

Remembering Goodbye

I woke up this morning and the sky was all grey
I packed up my things and I drove away
The sky opened up and the rain began falling
and my heart started calling your name
The infinite sounds of goodbye
keep time with the heartbroken sky
and the rhythm of rain on my windshield
is the drum of pain in my mind
and I may follow the storm
but I long to be safe and warm
for chasing after a dream
is harder than it may seem
when the one that's left behind
is the dream you hope to find



A flash of bare skin
A splash of pale light
A spiraling tumbling folly
A memory brought on by the night
Can memory deserve such banter
such worship and love as this
like the tangle of flesh and challenge
or the sweetness brought on by a kiss
Can memory be a dream or a dancer
Can hope be forgotten and left
like the notes or the bars of a chorus
with no treble and no bass cleft
Must they always shine on in the darkness
as the years pass by and collect
like cumulus clouds and raindrops
falling so soft on my neck
or will they grow dull and passive
will they fade as the days grow old
will only the edges get fuzzy
but the truth of my memory hold   

From the Clouds

I love the deep gray of a rainy day
when the sun hides his face
and the trees lift their own
mouths open wide, arms spread out
knowing for sure without one doubt
that they will receive SOMETHING
from the clouds 



I feel like I am broken glass scattered on the floor
and someone ought to sweep me up and throw me out the door.
For I can not be mended or made again brand new
and all these shattered pieces cannot belong to you.
But you tell me I am yours alone and that you love me still.
You wrap me in your Holiness and mold me to your will.
Till my brokenness becomes something beautiful and true.
A mosaic of your love, a vessel for your use.