Friday, April 22, 2011

He was my Daddy First


Before this world’s foundation
Before He spoke Creation
Before He breathed in Adam
Before His hands formed Eve

Before there was a moment
Before Time came to be
Before He breathed the breath of Life
I think He thought of me

He planned for my arrival
At such a time as this
He formed me in perfection
And gave me special gifts

He watched me and He waited
Guided, but never forced
Until I gave my life to Him
And let Him set my course

Each morning there is Mercy
And Grace at close of day
He is strength and healing
The Truth, the Life, the Way

I could name a million things
 That He has always been
Holy, God almighty
Faithfulness and Friend

But long before I knew His voice
Or what His love is worth
Before I even knew His Name
He was my Daddy first

For Michael Chandler
By Anna M Teale

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