Friday, April 22, 2011

Letting Go

I don’t think you realize
how you look through my eyes
I don’t think you really understand.

Despite my present heartache
my love of you is no mistake
you’ve no idea how much you’ve healed my soul

And though I’ve known the ending
since there was a beginning
I don’t regret the road I had to take

I don’t regret the laughter
the tear drops or disaster
the waves of them that carried me away

It would be easier to hate you
and in my mind mistake you
for a man who never cared at all

But I’m bold enough to realize
that if I look through His eyes
I’ll see a man who cares the best he can

I’m not saying that you’re perfect
but I hope you know you’re worth it
and I wouldn’t trade a day I’ve known your face

You are a treasure meant to keep
and that is why I weep
because I have to give you back and let you go

I wish you joy and sunlight
I wish you Hope and new Life
and all the love the heart of man can hold.


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