Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I would gladly take the blame, 
if we could just move past this awkwardness 
and forget about the pain, 
but love doesn't work that way when a heart is torn in two
and friendship's been abused.
I could forgive you the past 
and make whatever this is last 
if only there weren't so many reminders 
of how selfish we both have been and perhaps still are.
I think I've learned my lesson, but maybe not. 
Maybe I ask too much of you, more than what you've got. 
I pour out until I'm empty, you give me a cup when you can
the measure seems uneven and I chalk it up to you being a man.
To be honest I don't feel worthy when really I know that I am.
And it's still not fair to blame you when I know you don't understand.
I didn't want this to be our fate, I thought we'd work it out somehow,
but I am still raw and broken and you can't un-slaughter me now.
So who is to blame for this wreckage, where shall the finger aim
At me for loving so selfishly, at you for turning away?
I don't think there's a place to lay it, so maybe I'll carry it still
It's true I'd be more than glad to, if only the wounds would heal.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Truth Be Told

I'm giving you the emotional cold shoulder
because truth be told I'm out
 of hopes, and dreams, and wishes
and I'm living a little on doubt.

I'm not talking to you right now
 because the things that I want to say
would probably hurt your feelings
 and push you furthur away

I'm a little afraid to do that
 because somewhere on down the line
I'm thinking we'll fix this friendship
 and I won't have to leave you behind

But right now in this moment
 when I am so raw and undone
I'm asking you to have patience
 because I in fact have none.

By Anna Teale