Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My love for you.

The depth of love I have for you
The weight of it, the magnitude
Is more than your human mind can bear.
You could never carry it
If I revealed the whole of it
and laid it there upon your shouders fair.

The strength of my love is unmatched
but gentle when it touches you
The armor my love provides
no arrow of life gets through.

It is shelter and it's foundation
It's protection and transportation
It's the connection you feel to another
who has accepted my salvation.

My love is the touch of a friend.
My love is the kiss of a spouse.
My love is the sound of the wind,
and the laughter that bursts from your mouth.
My love is the hope in your heart,
a light in your darkest night.
It's the blanket I wrap you in
when you're cold and full of fright.

My love is beyond compare.
You can not fathom it.
But I've made a place inside you
where all of my love will fit.
What a contradiction!
How marvelous my love is!
Your frame could never hold it,
but your soul is where it lives.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bottled Up

You've kept my tears in your bottle.
You keep my heart in your hand.
You keep track of all my sorrow,
and You know just where I am.

You have offered me Your shelter,
all I have to do is come.
You have given me Your love,
and You give more than enough.

I don't have to cling to heartach.
I don't have to face dispair.
I can hold onto Your hand because
I know You're always there.

You keep my tears in your bottle.
You keep my heart in your hand.
You keep track of all my sorrow,
and You know just who I am.


Psalm 56:8

New Living Translation (NLT)

 8 You keep track of all my sorrows.[a]
      You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
      You have recorded each one in your book.