Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I would gladly take the blame, 
if we could just move past this awkwardness 
and forget about the pain, 
but love doesn't work that way when a heart is torn in two
and friendship's been abused.
I could forgive you the past 
and make whatever this is last 
if only there weren't so many reminders 
of how selfish we both have been and perhaps still are.
I think I've learned my lesson, but maybe not. 
Maybe I ask too much of you, more than what you've got. 
I pour out until I'm empty, you give me a cup when you can
the measure seems uneven and I chalk it up to you being a man.
To be honest I don't feel worthy when really I know that I am.
And it's still not fair to blame you when I know you don't understand.
I didn't want this to be our fate, I thought we'd work it out somehow,
but I am still raw and broken and you can't un-slaughter me now.
So who is to blame for this wreckage, where shall the finger aim
At me for loving so selfishly, at you for turning away?
I don't think there's a place to lay it, so maybe I'll carry it still
It's true I'd be more than glad to, if only the wounds would heal.


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